Possible reasons: the speed of the carriage become slower, then the print speed comes down. The continuous ink supply system will inevitably increase the burden of the carriage. The carriage will become slower when holding too heavy load. At the same time, the heavy load will accelerate the aging process of the belt and increase the friction between the carriage and connecting rod. These are the possible causes why UV printer’s print speed becomes slower. In severe cases, the carriage can’t reset, and then can’t use.
Solutions: Change the motor. The friction between the continuous ink supply system rubber tube and printer’s body will increase the burden of the motor. It is suggested to change new motor after a long time of using. Lubricate the connecting rod. After a long time of using, the friction between the carriage and connecting rod will increase, and then decrease the motor’s running speed. Lubricating the connecting rod can solve this problem. The friction increase between the motor’s gear and printer’s belt,which will increase the belt’s aging process. This problem can be solved by cleaning the gear and lubricate it.