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36 What Advantage Of Roll To Roll UV Printer Has Over Eco Solvent Printer 36

27 November 2015

Printer become to multifunctional printing equipment in advertising printing field. Due to adopt UV printing technology, roll to roll UV printer can printing colorful pictures on various materials. Roll to roll UV printer has more applications compare with eco solvent printer.


What advantages of roll to roll UV printer has over eco solvent printer?


1)    Better compatibility than eco solvent printer on material, otherwise printing function more complete and wider application areas as well as.

Roll to Roll UV printer adopt UV printing technology, UV ink own more better compatibility than eco solvent ink on material, support to printed on different media surface. Before using eco solvent ink a lot of materials need making coating treatment, if without coating treatment products will fade easily. But the UV ink can apply to almost all of media direct but without coating treatment, that convenient and practical. So, the UV ink can apply to more media that’s mean the Roll to Roll UV printer can be used to more industries.

2)    Printing effect of UV printer better than eco solvent printer.

Printing effect of UV printer more real, colorful and more three-dimensional than eco solvent ink.

3)    Roll to Roll UV printer printing products drying very fast, color adhesion strength very great and lasting.


Printing products from eco solvent printer need to via platform heating, fan drying system heating or long time natural drying. But the drying speed of picture surface very slow, especially in rainy days, need more time to waiting picture surface drying to ensure picture’s adhesive force. But Shanghai Meitu Digital Industry Co.,ltd Roll to Roll UV printer use UV printing can reach instant printout, drying immediately. Needn’t heating treatment, needn’t sun-cure and waiting. Meeting fast production request. Otherwise, UV ink printed on media surface will keep longer time than eco solvent ink, and picture adhered on media better than eco solvent ink also, stand wear and tear, water-proof and UV proof. So that more suit for outdoor environment.


UV printing technology apply on UV printer will make traditional printer own more powerful functions. Both on printing technology and application area aspects, now roll to roll UV printer become new star in printer industry, what’s more it become almighty roll to roll media printer.


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