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68 Outdoor Advertisement Printing Market And The Potential Of Chinese Eco Solvent Printer 68

27 November 2015

Nowadays, the requirement of advertisement customer be higher and higher. There are lots of new ways for advertisement production. With the rapid development of Chinese eco solvent printer, advertisement industry market shows a prosperous phenomenon.


Chinese advertisement producing industry always be same level to foreigners. Neon lamp to lamphouse to printing advertisement. Outdoor advertisement printing not only attract consumer’s attention, but also make people naturally accept the advertisement ways. So, it is After the design  of advertisement of street window. From bus stop, cultural poster bulletin board, mall stores advertisement, Cultural square and so on. It has mixed together people’s life. Many advertisement printing producer also like outdoor advertisement, even use special creation. Personal design, it has pleasant and information publicity effect.


With the development of inkjet printing technology, Chinese eco solvent printer be fully accepted by businessman through bargain price. So it develop so fast. Meanwhile, it rapidly occupy domestic printing equipment market. It already be main role in printing equipment and necessary equipment in this industry. Besides, there are other self-features too. So, it is popular with professional peoples, such as outdoor advertisement printing has simply operation, short time producing; installation, carry very convenient. The effect of advertising page is lively. It can creat fantastic effect. As these three advantages, it is suitable for social rhythm in this information age.


The scope of advertising is being more widely, such as decoration painting, artificial painting. With the price and cost declined of Chinese Eco Solvent Printer, and printing picture bring visual attack and entire effect much better than normal outdoor advertisement producing ways. So, please imagine future printing market and the potential of printing equipment, believe in the development of outdoor printing advertisement, both countryside and city show fascinating color through the development of outdoor printing.


Edit by Gavin


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