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72 The Cost Performance Of Products Should Be Paid More Attention To On Purchasing China Domestic Eco Solvent Printer 72

27 November 2015

China domestic Eco solvent printer is becoming more and more popular by users, which is the reason why is that China domestic Eco solvent printer not only have favorable price, but also equipped with high stability. There is no doubt that Eco solvent printer is one of the most favorable and best cost-performance inkjet printing devices in the printing equipment.


With the rapid development of advertising, there are lots of demand for high precision, high speed and multi-function Eco solvent printer in the market of inkjet printing. Most users used imported  well-known brands and large format printing device Eco solvent printer such as Mutoh, HP, and Epson, etc before China domestic Eco solvent printer appeared. These famous brands is with good reputation and equipped with stable and advanced technology, but the price of printing device is much higher than China domestic Eco solvent printer for most small and medium users. It is hard to purchase such an expensive machine, which is not only on the purchase of investment cost but also on the cost of use and maintenance. The threshold is still relatively high.


Since China domestic Eco solvent printer emerged, it has broken the limit of high threshold in price. China domestic Eco solvent printer has appeared as a role of high cost performance, which is becoming more popular by most users. The price for one China domestic Eco solvent printer is more affordable than imported famous brands’ Eco solvent printer, and it is the same stability compared with Eco solvent printers of imported famous brands as well as the same high-precision and high-speed as imported Eco solvent printer. Even there are some functions not existing for the  imported Eco solvent printer. Also our China domestic Eco solvent printer in some aspects of function is more superior to the same types of imported Eco solvent printer. At the same time, with the rapid improvement and mature development of China domestic inkjet technology, China domestic Eco solvent printer is showing the increasing phenomenon every year, which there are lots of different choices for users.   


On how to choose China domestic Eco solvent printer, which one set of Eco solvent printer is suitable for design concept and user experience, and the price only need less one-third price than that of imported Eco solvent printer’s but the same performance with imported Eco solvent printer, which is the character of the most affordable and favorable cost performance for China domestic Eco Solvent printer. Meanwhile, users who purchase China domestic Eco solvent printer can enjoy timely, efficient and related products service of pre-sale and after sale. It can achieve better service and lower cost for the use and maintenance of post-processing products.


So, the cost performance of products should be paid more attention to on choosing Eco solvent printer printing device.


Edited by Johnny


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