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80 Adjustable Ink Droplet Help Printer To Achieve Higher Printing Resolution 80

27 November 2015

Eco Solvent Printer is necessary equipment in large format printing industry. With the development of inkjet technology, eco solvent printer with a high resolution as well. Especially, piezoelectric printing technology control ink droplet very well, so can get more effective guarantee on definition for high resolution output of eco solvent printer.


Whether big ink droplet will effect printing result? It is a confusing problem to many customers. In fact, in the process of printing, controlling to ink droplet will effect printing result directly. Such as, for traditional thermal inkjet technology novajet printer, because of the shortcoming of thermal inkjet technology novajet printer working principle, in the process of printing, ink be heated in print head, then ink will swell to be bubbles. After heating, bubbles will broken through nozzles to make printing. But this printing method can’t change size of ink drople. So, the printing resolution of novajet printer is very low. That could say controlling ink droplet size direct effect on printing resolution, printing result and printing color. What’s more, print head will be damaged easily. This printer hard to have good stable performance.


However, development of piezoelectric inkjet technology improved the printing resolution of eco solvent printer, because this technology have greatly improved eco solvent printer to control ink droplet size, Ink droplet shape is more regular, printing position is more exact, printing resolution is higher and easy to achieve high resolution printing. What’s more, don’t need to heat ink for piezoelectric ink-jet printing. Ink will avoiding chemical changes. So that, user can lower the demands for ink quality. Besides that, Print head will has a longer life. Due to printing temperature is stable, so, both ink viscosity and surface tension are stable also, even if suffer continuous printing for a long time. That ensure all of printing products with same quality. In addition, when user printing again, the products color is same as previous color.


In conclusion, piezoelectric printer will become the hot selling products in printing industry instead of tradition thermal inkjet technology novajet printer. Such as Meitu company printer, adopts advanced piezoelectric printing technology, high quality sheet metal machine body and imported main parts. What’s more innovative designs from experienced mechanical design engineer, High quality user experience, high printing resolution, high printing speed and good stability. All of those make Meitu company’s eco solvent printer become the first choice in printing industry. If you are printer user, let me recommend Meitu company MT-1807 printer to you. It is mainstream machine model with normal printing format. MT-1872 printer with excellent value is necessary for advertising company and printing shop.


Piezoelectric eco solvent printer can achieve high printing speed and printing resolution. Piezoelectric printing technology can effectively control ink droplet size, that can achieve more clear printout.


Edit by Carol

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