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96 The Applications Of Piezoelectric Eco Solvent Printer In Essential Industry 96

27 November 2015

Technology has changed the world. The birth of Eco solvent printer printing equipment is changing the way of connection between people, which makes our life and work more convenient. The technology of inkjet printing is changing the mode of manufacturing and releasing innovation.


The piezoelectric Eco solvent printer become the mainstream printing equipment in the large format printing equipment, which the characteristic itself equipped with high stability and high efficiency to be widely used in different industries. As the technology of piezoelectric Eco solvent printer is rapidly developing and more mature, Eco solvent printer is widely used in these industries as below.


1, Traditional indoor and outdoor advertising inkjet industry


Indoor and outdoor advertising industry is developing very fast in recent years. The booming commercial economy, advertising products and brands building all are the most popular way of advertising show in the advertising industry. Advertising industry basically is used in advertising propaganda and there are lots of way of advertising. For example, bus stops we commonly see, large-scale supermarket and shopping mall propaganda, outdoor overhead advertising board, etc, which all are the applications of outdoor inkjet printer advertising. Now piezoelectric Eco solvent printer is becoming the mainstream in the inkjet printing devices, which can achieve higher precision and higher speed printing, as well as stronger color performance, delicate image screen and more vivid printing effect. Besides, the operation of printout for Eco solvent printer is very simple, which can achieve large format printout of image screen,short working hour of production, and low investment of cost. Therefore, that’s the reason why Eco solvent printer can not be replaced by other printing equipment. And piezoelectric Eco solvent printer will be widely used in traditional advertising inkjet printing industry in the future.   


2, The application on graphic processing and signage processing industry


It’s believed that we should be familiar with graphic processing industry for us. As we all know, the requirement for precision of image is very higher in this industry. And the method of printing precision for piezoelectric Eco solvent printer is trustworthy for you. The printout of image by Eco solvent printer is not only clearer, also the printing speed is faster. Therefore, it is one of the widest applications for Eco solvent printer in the graphic processing industry. For signage processing industry, we all are impressed with large format and clear image. And there are lots of signs applied at various places in our life. Because sign not only can react the corporation identity, but also district identity. So naturally that will need colorful and bright images, as well as clear words, which outdoor piezoelectric Eco solvent printer can meet your these requirements.


3, The application on oil painting and art painting, traditional manufacturing of cloth textile


The piezoelectric Eco solvent printer can achieve better image and color reduction and it is suitable for different kinds of materials. So Eco solvent printer are used in fast imitation of art painting and oil painting by most users, which make the low cost products achieve the higher value products. It can achieve personalized printing of pattern and few more customized personalized printings on the application of traditional manufacturing of cloth textile such as, mobile phone leather, personalized printing of leather image for Pad leather sheath, and the printing of image appearance for purses and luggage, etc.


4, The application on home decoration industry


Eco solvent printer inkjet printing can achieve personalized printing of home decoration wallpaper pattern. One way vision materials is used in the decoration of home office environment. And the machine can print personalized image of ceiling film and so on.


As the technology of inkjet printing is rapidly improving, besides China domestic Eco solvent printer with high cost performance is becoming more and more popular for users, which makes Eco solvent printer develop rapidly. And other different types of industries are using various models of printing device except above these industries. And we believe that the market for piezoelectric Eco solvent printer printing device will be broader and broader in the near future.


Edited by Johnny


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